Sikkim has set following targets keeping in view of state specific issues which are mentioned as Desired Outcomes and proposed the activities accordingly taking eight major quality parameters under Quality Elementary Education Plan for 2015-16. The activities are planned so judiciously to make more realistic and doable. The parameters taken for planning are given as under:
1) Learning Process and Learning Outcomes
2) Comprehensive Quality Vision and Framework
3) Minimum Enabling Conditions
4) Vision-based Curriculum and Teaching Learning Materials
5) Learning Assessment System
6) Teacher Effectiveness Frameworks
7) Academic Support and Monitoring System
8) Community and Civil Society Partnership
1. Learning Process and Learning Outcomes:
Learning processes for learners is what Teaching processes for teachers. Thus, the best learning processes would be in the best Teaching processes if it is contemplated from teachers’ point of view who are being paid for the purpose. Thus, keeping in view of achievement level of the children of government schools, state want to change the classroom processes and achieve following outcomes within this Plan period.
1.1. Desired Outcomes
a. All children have learnt basic reading and writing by Grade 2.
b. Learning takes place through activities, discovery and exploration by students
c. Culture of discussion where children freely express their views and questions in Primary Classes
1.2. Strategies and Planned Activities
State has planned following activities on the basis of the strategies designed:
a. Introduction of materials of Early Reading, Writing and Comprehension and Early Mathematics in Classes I & II
b. Training of teachers teaching Classes I & II on effective use of materials mentioned in Sl. No. (a) in classroom teaching
c. Analysis of reports collected through QMTs to locate learning improvement in different classes [Input Impact Assessment]
d. Feedbacks to teachers regarding impact of trainings/workshops and other inputs
e. Re-designing of strategies if the desired learning is not attained
2. Comprehensive Quality Vision and Framework:
The State has three ‘desired outcomes’ on this parameter.
2.1. Desired Outcomes
a. Identification of Learning Achievement of the children
b. Fruitful and harmonized implementation of Early Literacy [Language & Mathematics] in I and Class II
c. Visible learning improvements in Science & Mathematics in Upper Primary
2.2. Strategies and Planned Activities
State has planned following activities on the basis of the strategies designed:
a. Printing and distribution of Learning Indicators to schools
b. Development of Clear Vision of desired classroom processes in Language, Mathematics, EVS/Science and English using learning indicators
c. Training of Teachers along with all the field level functionaries on Verifiable Learning Indicators and desired changes in classroom processes
3. Minimum Enabling Conditions:
State could not attain the plan targets specified for 2014-15 in respect developing learner-friendly (Child-friendly) school campus as per target set for the year. Hence the target for this year as well remains the same.
3.1. Desired Outcomes
a. Child-friendly infrastructure/school design which support students’ learning
b. Barrier-free environment to promote higher level of inclusive education
3.2. Strategies and Planned Activities
State has planned following activities on the basis of the strategies designed:
a. Workout to find possibilities in every school to develop it into learners’ friendly
b. Workout to devise designs/paintings/models for each school as per the findings of Sl. No. (a) above.
c. Exposure Visits for State level functionaries working to provide Child-friendly designs/Infrastructure to schools to Indian states where these programs are effectively running.
d. Creation of copies of CD on child-friendly design collected during exposure visits and distribution to schools.
4. Vision-based Curriculum and Teaching Learning Materials:
The revision of text-books of primary level in the line of new curriculum framework and RTE Act 2009 completed in 2011 and shared with MHRD, Govt. of India. The revision of language textbooks of upper primary classes was included in the plan last year which could not be achieved due to some reasons.
4.1. Desired Outcomes
a. Revision of language textbooks of upper primary
b. Timely publication and distribution of Textbooks
c. Effective use of Teaching Learning Materials to make the learning fun
4.2. Strategies and Planned Activities
State has planned following activities on the basis of the strategies designed:
a. Workshop of SCERT/DIETs personnel, selected teachers and personnel from planning/Textbook/exam/administrative section for the revision of language textbooks of upper primary classes
b. Formation of sub-committees for different subjects
c. Preparation of draft manuscript and submission to competent authority for approval
d. Meeting of various field level officers to ensure timely distribution of textbooks to schools
5. Learning Assessment System:
In Sikkim, 100% government schools are following Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment since 2011. State has trained the school heads and the elementary school teachers in phase-wise manner. A booklet titled “Guidelines for Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment” and provided to all the schools of the state. However, it is felt that the assessment being conducted till now is yet to be holistic as per the essence of CCA.
5.1. Desired Outcomes
a. Teacher conducts holistic assessment (ability to remember, understand and apply knowledge) of children in non-threatening methods, keeps records, analyses and provides remedial supports when necessary
5.2. Strategies and Planned Activities
State has planned following activities on the basis of the strategies designed:
a. Preparation of documentary collecting the best practices of conducting CCA in different schools which can be used as resource materials during teacher trainings
b. Training of teachers teaching at Primary Level and Upper Primary Level on revised Guidelines of Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment.
c. Collection and compilation of feedbacks from teachers, school heads and CRCCs/BRCCs on revised Guidelines of Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment.
6. Teacher Effectiveness Frameworks:
Effectiveness of teachers depends on the effectiveness of process of teacher preparation, effective trainings and effective follow-up processes. International experience with teacher training suggests that learning is complex skills, such as those required to promote active learning, requires several days of initial training followed by periodic reinforcement to sustain changes in teaching behaviour.
6.1. Desired Outcomes
a. Reduction of numbers of both primary and upper primary untrained teachers
b. At least 80% teachers of both category can follow teaching through activities
c. Re-survey of Trained-Untrained Teachers on the basis of appointment date i.e. before and after 3rd September 2001.
6.2. Strategies and Planned Activities
State has planned following activities on the basis of the strategies designed:
a. Conduct Teacher Survey to confirm the numbers of untrained teachers in both primary and upper primary categories taking the borderline between before and after 3rd September 2001.
b. Serving of Circular to all schools drawing attentions of untrained teachers appointed after 3rd September 2001 to enroll/obtain professional qualification [2-year D.El.Ed. for primary teachers/2-year B.Ed. for upper primary teachers]
c. Training of selected Primary Teachers to design activities in English, EVS/Science and Mathematics d. Meeting with Administrative Officers, faculties of SCERT/DIET, DPCs/BRCCs/CRCCs to finalize Teacher Performance Indicators
Printing of Teacher Performance Indicators for circulation to schools
e. Contents for In-service Teacher Training 2015-16
i) Effective use of supplementary materials prepared under Learning Enhancement Programme and Early Literacy for teachers teaching in pre-primary class, Classes I and II.
ii) Teaching through Activities for the teachers teaching in Classes III, IV & V.
iii) Teaching Mathematics and Science through activities for teachers teaching in Classes VI, VII & VIII.
7. Academic Support & Monitoring Systems:
Teaching as a profession requires a constant touch with academics i.e. one is a ‘learner for life’. It is essential that a teacher keeps himself abreast of the constant advancements in the “Knowledge-World” and thus updates his own knowledge base. However, it is also equally important that how s/he is being provided with academic supports in the way making herself updated as a teacher and how her works are being monitored. The support providers and monitoring personnel are to be equally updated and equipped with recent development of educational processes.
7.1 Desired Outcomes
a. Preparation of Block Level Annual Monitoring Plan
b. Monitoring Officials (BRCCs/ CRCCs, and educational administrators including heads of schools) conduct monthly/quarterly meetings at their respective levels and sent reports in an standard formats designed to cover 8 quality parameters
c. Smooth implementation of Quality Monitoring Tools
7.2. Strategies and Planned Activities
State has planned following activities on the basis of the strategies designed:
a. Preparation of plan for Monitoring for conducting regular follow-up visits, additional supports and monitoring based on PINDICS.
b. Monitoring and supervision of preparation of preparation of School Development Plan in schools
c. Implementation of QMTs since from first quarter of academic session
8. Community & Civil Society Partnerships:
It is expected that local community, teachers and management committee will, in partnership with local non-governmental organizations, prepare and implement plans for school activities, and maintain records, monitor and evaluate the school activities. Again, after management transfer, schools are anticipated to be responsible to determine vision and mission of the school, to call meetings of parents, the PTA and the SMC, to prepare indicators for keeping transparency of each of its activities, to maintain coordination with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community-based Organizations (CBOs) and mobilize them, to inform the stakeholders about the administrative and financial aspects of the school.
8.1. Desired Outcomes
a. Schools welcoming community to participate in children’s learning processes
b. Preparation of School Development Plan in 100% schools and work as per the plan
8.2. Strategies and Planned Activities
State has planned following activities on the basis of the strategies designed:
a. District level meeting of School Heads, CRC and BRC coordinators to encourage involvement of community in teaching learning processes and preparation of School Development Plan involving community in every school
b. Instruction to Cluster Resource Centres to conduct regular cluster level meetings of SMC members on importance of involvement of community in teaching learning processes and preparation of School Development Plan involving community
c. Preparation of School Development Plan in the school setting achievable goals at the end of the year taking baseline data from the achievement levels of children in SA1 under the supervision of BRCCs and CRCCs
d. Half-yearly Review meeting of SMC and Community on achievement of activities planned under School Development Plan 2015-16
e. Annual Review Meeting for the year on achievement of planned targets under School Development Plan 2015-16
f. Preparation of School Development Plan for 2016-17 keeping in view of achievements of SDP 2015-16 all 8 parameters.