The State is conducting in-service teacher training under Sarva Shiksha
Abhiyan through SCERT, DIETs and District Project Offices. During last two
years, the State has conducted series of in-service teacher trainings for 1536
teachers teaching in Classes I & II, 3468 teachers teaching Classes III to
V and 372 teachers teaching mathematics and science in Classes VI to VIII on
“Teaching through Activities”. The sole purpose of these trainings is to equip
the teachers to teach the children through activities thereby making the
classroom practices more activities based, collaborative and joyful. This is
also expected that this new approach will ensure higher order leaning and
instill the habits of thinking aloud among children.
However, the recent school visit reports of the District Collector, South,
reveal that the trainings being provided to teachers are not getting its place
inside the elementary classrooms. There may a range of reasons for ineffectiveness
of these training inputs. One of the most significant reasons can be the lack
of administrative instructions to different level monitoring officials i.e.
school heads, Cluster Resource Coordinators, Block Resource Coordinators,
Sub-Divisional and District level monitoring officials regarding effective implementation
of training inputs at classroom level. Hence, an instruction to the heads of
schools and officials of different levels to initiate different activities to
stimulate the training impacts in the schools and innovate various activities
to bridge the competency gaps of low performing students is need of the hour.
The strategies should include the activities to support the better performing
children as well for further improvements. Some of the suggestive activities
for school heads, CRC/BRC Coordinators, Sub-Divisional and District level
officials are given below:
Activities for School
a) To ask the
teachers to share his/her training experiences through a presentation as soon
as the teacher joins school after completing the training
To ask all the
teachers irrespective of their category to be present during the presentation
To make
arrangements to conduct a model class for the teacher to demonstrate the teaching
skills acquired from the training
d) To encourage all the teachers to apply new teaching
skills in classroom practices propagated
by the training programme
e) To observe
classes and appreciate the new teaching strategies applied by the teachers and
provide onsite support if required
f) To inspire
teachers to initiate innovative classroom practices and to appreciate/reinforce
them as and when the need arises
g) To encourage and
provide support the teachers to use various resources available in the school
and its vicinity like Reading Corners, Learner-friendly environment, school
campus, locally available materials, etc. during the teaching learning process
h) To instruct the
teachers to identify the children who have been performing below the expected
level and to provide additional support during teaching hours to meet up the learning
gaps so that all children reach the desired grade appropriate competency level
i) To encourage the
subject teachers to share the students’ performances with their parents on a regular
basis and to involve them in the teaching learning processes
j) To initiate
Guardian-Teacher system allocating a fix group of students to every working
teacher and ask them to keep track of their learning and behavioural patterns
for improving on their weak areas
To take
pictures/record videos of all the innovative activities and classroom practices
being carried out by the schools/teachers and to share it during the SMC/PTA/MTA/Cluster/Block
To prepare
documents on the good practices of the school/teachers and share it with the
Cluster Resource Coordinators/ Block Resource Coordinators/ District Officials
m) To identify the best performing teachers, give
recognition to their contribution, at public gatherings and make it a base for
the recommendation of these teachers for the teacher awards on Teachers Day.
II. Activities for Cluster and Block Resource
Coordinators, Sub-Divisional and District Level Officials
a) To monitor and
supervise the activities of the school heads on the effectiveness of in-service
teacher training in schools
b) To support and
reinforce the school heads and the teachers to apply training inputs
c) To appreciate
the schools and teachers on the materialization of the inputs acquired during
the training
d) To observe classroom teachings of the teachers whose
students are falling behind and provide onsite support to the teachers for
e) To encourage the
system of peer classroom observations among teachers wherein a teacher observes
her/his peer’s classroom teaching and thereafter suggest teaching
f) To provide a platform
for pedagogically sound teachers to share her/his teaching experiences within the
g) To identify best
performing schools/teachers and document
the processes, impacts and outcomes
h) To motivate
schools to identify the low performing students and organize special remedial classes
To encourage the
schools to establish close and continuous contact with parents
To support
schools to organize parenting programmes
at regular intervals
To support the
Guardian-Teacher system initiated by the school heads
To prepare
documents on the process of the good practices of schools/teachers, impacts on
children’s learning and character building and its major outcomes.
m) To take pictures and video clips of various innovative
practices initiated by the schools/teachers
n) To strategize
actions for sustainability and extension of the good practices in the neighbouring
To share the good
practices of schools and teachers at various platforms and higher offices
including teacher educational institutions like DIETs and SCERT
p) To identify the
best performing teachers, recognize her/his contribution at public gatherings
and make it a base for the recommendation of teachers for teacher awards.
Thank You!