Wednesday, January 25, 2017


We have two gangs or we can say we have two opposite poles within education system i.e.
(a) one who are responsible for making children learned and (b) one who evaluates how much children have learned

We educational workers associated with classroom teaching, monitoring and administration have to fall under gang (a) and all the different boards who evaluate children's learning and make them "pass" or "fail" should fall under gang (b).

But we have so many people in gang (a) who prefer more to be (b).

The quality in education remains in danger until and unless the educational worker (amongst us) who feels that the detaining of children brings quality in education phases out.

For me, gang (a) is for QUALITY EDUCATION and gang (b) is for QUALITY FILTRATION.

Yeah I am serious and I am confident that one day everyone will definitely realize this fact.